Yazici, G. N. and Ozer, M. S. 2021. A review of egg replacement in cake production: Effects on batter and cake properties. Trends in Food Science and Technology 111: 346-359.
突然發覺,大陸的248法令包含0407210000 Eggs and egg products Other fresh eggs in shell of fowls of the species gallus domesticus
,但是ciferquery沒有國家或地區有蛋的註冊,所以各國輸大陸糕點麵點等(國際海關1902等本來就有分出含蛋不含蛋的分章),是不含蛋的種類? (不過奶油奶粉也沒有細列,只有列到巴士殺菌乳及其他乳製品,會跟澳洲一樣管制到有含蛋乳,但10%以下蛋製品或乳製品的比例證明?) https://www.fas.usda.gov/data/china-decree-248-product-list-update-april-2023
西元 1596 年,一名叫 Ludwig Lavater 的神學家,在其著作《Of Ghostes and Spirites, Walking by Night: And of Straunge Noyses, Crackes, and Sundrie forewarnings, which commonly happen before the death of men: Great Slaughters, and alterations of Kingdomes》(對,書名就是這麼長),書中〈That many naturall things are taken to be ghoasts〉的章節中,便認為鬼火是由富含硫磺的礦脈燃燒導致。3, 4
《Of Ghostes and Spirites, Walking by Night: And of Straunge Noyses, Crackes, and Sundrie forewarnings, which commonly happen before the death of men: Great Slaughters, and alterations of Kingdomes》,〈That many naturall things are taken to be ghoasts〉