遇到這種情況,個人能做的還是先去找了原文出來看。不看還好,一看還真的看出不少問題。我只能將我知道的部分一一說明如下:首先,各家媒體都寫錯出處了,這篇文章是出自《The Lancet Global Health》,而非《The Lancet》。不是看到有Lancet就直接翻譯成刺胳針,其實差很多好嗎?不是同一個集團出的就是同一本期刊,真要危言聳聽也不要這樣。
Victora CG, Horta BL, de Mola CL, et al. Association between breastfeeding and intelligence, educational attainment, and income at 30 years of age: a prospective birth cohort study from Brazil. The Lancet Global Health. Volume 3, No. 4, e199–e205, April 2015. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S2214-109X(15)70002-1
這次要介紹的羅徹斯特大學醫學中心(URMC)神經科學研究所(Del Monte Institute for Neuroscience)的成果就是其中之一,他們這次提出的新證據是與認知能力有關,而且他們的結論應該會讓人眼睛一亮,因為他們發現,母乳哺育的時間長短與 9-10 歲兒童的部分認知發展有關連,而且只要孩子有吃母乳一段時間就可以看出差異[1]。
Lopez, D. A., Foxe, J. J., Mao, Y., Thompson, W. K., Martin, H. J., & Freedman, E. G. (2021). Breastfeeding Duration Is Associated With Domain-Specific Improvements in Cognitive Performance in 9-10-Year-Old Children. Frontiers in public health, 9, 657422. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2021.657422
Walfisch, A., Sermer, C., Cressman, A., & Koren, G. (2013). Breast milk and cognitive development–the role of confounders: a systematic review. BMJ open, 3(8), e003259. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003259
Natland ST, Andersen LF, Nilsen TI, Forsmo S, Jacobsen GW. Maternal recall of breastfeeding duration twenty years after delivery. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2012 Nov 23;12:179. doi: 10.1186/1471-2288-12-179. PMID: 23176436; PMCID: PMC3568415.
Shi, H., Yang, Y., Yin, X. et al. Determinants of exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months in China: a cross-sectional study. Int Breastfeed J 16, 40 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13006-021-00388-y