“Colloidal Alphabet Soup: Monodisperse Dispersions of Shape-Designed LithoParticles,”
Hernandez, C. J.; Mason, T. G.
J. Phys. Chem. C.; (Letter); 2007; ASAP Article; DOI: 10.1021/jp0672095
Web Release Date: February 13, 2007
關於綠建築的標準,讓我們先回到 1990 年,當時英國建築研究機構(BRE)首次發布有關「建築研究發展環境評估工具(Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method,BREEAM®)」,是世界上第一個建築永續評估方法。美國則在綠建築委員會成立後,於 1998 年推出「能源與環境設計領導認證」(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, LEED)這套評估系統,加速推動了全球綠建築行動。
西元 1596 年,一名叫 Ludwig Lavater 的神學家,在其著作《Of Ghostes and Spirites, Walking by Night: And of Straunge Noyses, Crackes, and Sundrie forewarnings, which commonly happen before the death of men: Great Slaughters, and alterations of Kingdomes》(對,書名就是這麼長),書中〈That many naturall things are taken to be ghoasts〉的章節中,便認為鬼火是由富含硫磺的礦脈燃燒導致。3, 4
《Of Ghostes and Spirites, Walking by Night: And of Straunge Noyses, Crackes, and Sundrie forewarnings, which commonly happen before the death of men: Great Slaughters, and alterations of Kingdomes》,〈That many naturall things are taken to be ghoasts〉