「The winged male ants, called drones, emerge from pupae along with the breeding females (although some species, like army ants, have wingless queens), and do nothing in life except eat and mate.」
「 Males, however, are more transitory, and survive only a few weeks.」
Sonya Sachdeva, Marla R Emery and Patrick T Hurley, ‘Depiction of wild food foraging practices in the media: Impact of the great recession’, Society & Natural Resources, vol. 31, issue 8, 2018, <doi.org/10.1080/08941920.2 018.1450914>. ↩︎
維他命 D 對於保持骨骼、牙齒和肌肉健康來說相當重要。《澳洲醫學雜誌》(The Medical Journal of Australia)建議,如果無法曬太陽,那每天至少要補充 400 IU6 的維他命 D。對於照射陽光不足的人來說,菇類是唯一天然、非動物性的維他命 D 來源。只要將菇類暴露在陽光下就可以產生維他命 D 7,這是在家裡就可以辦到的工作。
把菇類放在窗臺上讓菌褶朝向陽光,放置 15 分鐘後再烹調,這樣的簡單步驟即可將菇類變成維他命 D 的絕佳來源。僅 84 公克新鮮、暴露於紫外線的洋菇,就含有超過 600 IU 的維他命 D,且與維他命 D 營養補充品一樣容易被身體吸收。8
William Shurtleff and Akiko Aoyagi, History of Tempeh and Tempeh Products (1815– 2020): Bibliography and Sourcebook, Soyinfo Center, Lafayette, 2020, p. 351. ↩︎
Marianna Cerini, ‘Tempeh, Indonesia’s wonder food’, The Economist, 23 January 2020, <economist.com/1843/2020/01/23/ tempehindonesias-wonder-food>. ↩︎
@david_zilber, ‘Biomimicry is a fascinating way⋯’ [Instagram post], David Chaim Jacob Zilber, 26 May 2020,<instagram.com/p/ CAptR8qpN-T> . ↩︎
Winston Churchill and Steven Spurrier, ‘Fifty years hence’, Strand Magazine, issue 82, no. 49, 1931. ↩︎
IU 為國際單位,用於計算或測量維他命 效力和生物有效性的標準化單位之一。 1 IU = 0.025 微克麥角鈣化醇(維他命 D2 )。 ↩︎
Mary Jo Feeney et al., ‘Mushrooms— biologically distinct and nutritionally unique’. ↩︎
Victor L Fulgoni III and Sanjiv Agarwal, ‘Nutritional impact of adding a serving of mushrooms on usual intakes and nutrient adequacy using National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2011–2016 data’, Food Science and Nutrition, vol. 9, issue 3, 2021, <doi.org/10.1002/fsn3.2120>. ↩︎