凱斯西儲大學(Case Western Reserve Univer sity)物理學家約翰.馬蓋文(John McGervey)檢視《美國科學名人錄》(American Men of Science)上,超過 1 萬 6,000 位科學家,以及《美國政治名人錄》(Who’s Who in American Politics)上,超過 6,000 位政治人物的出生日期,發現他們的星座是隨機且均勻分布在十二個月中。密西根州立大學(Mi chi gan State University)的伯納德.西弗曼(Bernard Silver-man)取得密西根州 3,000 對夫婦的紀錄,發現他們的星座和占星師預測相配的星座之間,沒有相關性。
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Milgram, S. (1963)。 Behavioral study of obedience。The Journal of abnormal and social psychology, 67(4),頁 371。
Wiseman, R.(2008)。 伯特倫。弗爾教授與夜店筆跡學家 (洪慧芳 譯)。載於 讓你瞬間看穿人心的怪咖心理學—-史上最搞怪的心理學實驗報告(Quirkology:how we discover the big truths in small things)。(頁 30-31)。 台北: 漫遊者文化。
Contrary to the popular notion of hypnosis as a tool to uncover “hidden” memories locked away within the recesses of the brain, there’s no evidence hypnosis improves our ability to remember things that happened to us compared to non-hypnotic or regular recall. Not only is hypnosis no better than regular recall, data suggest that recall during hypnosis can actually result in the creation of more false memories than recall while not under hypnosis. Furthermore, people who recall memories under hypnosis are more likely to believe in the accuracy of these memories, regardless of whether they are true or not. It is for these reasons that many professionals working with individuals who may have been abused as children strongly caution against the use of hypnosis as a tool to try to recover possible unremembered trauma. The American Medical Association took a stand warning against accuracy of memories recovered through hypnosis in 1985. You can read the statement here.