“Although the theory that the malaria parasite is transmitted from man to man by particular species of mosquito is now accepted by all biologists and medical men… it cannot be said that the general public unreservedly believe in, much less practically apply it… Impressed with this fear, and bing anxious to see some fruit from a theory which I knew to be true and for which I was in a measure responsible, I cast about for means by which the conversion and cooperation of the public might be secured.”
“Bignami, in the Policlinico, July 15th, 1896, gives a lengthy critique of Dr. Patrick Manson’s views, expressed in the Goulstonian Lectures for 1896, as to the mosquito being the alternative host of the malaria parasite… Refusing to admit either water or air as the medium of malarial infection, he (Bignami) arrives at the conclusion that infection must be produced by inoculation, namely, by the mosquito; and assumes for these reasons that the mosquito is the alternative host of the parasite. “
針鋒相對的辨證基調從開頭貫徹到結尾,全文讀起來有如讀一篇精彩的法官判決書一樣的高潮跌宕、扣人心弦。在介紹自己實驗方法之前,Ross清楚地羅列出了正反兩方(Involution vs Evolution theories)的理論基礎,同時引述了各自證人的證詞(其他醫學家的理論),雙方人馬壁壘分明,關於瘧原蟲演化理論的大戰一觸即發。(事實上是,Bignami對Ross老師Manson的觀點提出了批評,Ross以這篇文章進行了回擊。可單純從文章開頭敘述來看,Bignami團隊的瘧疾傳播理論在當時似乎領先於Ross團隊。)
有趣的是,兩國老百姓(意大利農民 vs 英屬印度人民群眾)也加入了戰局:
“Bignami cites the general opinion of Italian peasants in favour of the view that water is not the medium; in India, however, an opposite opinion is frequently expressed, not only by natives, but by forest and survey officers, and sportsmen who are intelligent men, and who are continually in contact with malaria.”
1944 年科學家 Samuel Gertler 合成的化合物 DEET(中譯「待乙妥」或「敵避」),在二戰期間被美軍用來驅蚊。[3]之後各種防蚊成份的研究過程,仍免不了仰賴人類和動物的活體貢獻。隨著近年 3D 列印與生物相容水凝膠的技術發展,開發替代品的時機逐漸成熟。理想上,餵食蚊子的水凝膠製品,要具備高解析度的 3D 列印血管、擴散於組織中的血液、對多種蚊子的吸引力、低廉的成本,以及較少的動物實驗倫理問題。此外,最好還能搭配一組攝影器材,與相應的數據運算模型。[1]
2023 年 2 月,美國研究團隊於《前沿生物工程與生物科技》(Frontiers Bioengineering and Biotechnology)期刊上,介紹他們一體成形的嘗試成果。[1]
譯者前言:今年的諾貝爾化學獎又落入了生化學家的口袋,連續兩年頒給生化學者並不常見,我想這應該是反映了現在化學研究的熱門趨勢。今年的諾貝爾化學獎讓我們注意到細胞是如何精妙的去控制它的蛋白質系統,昨日(十月六日)我在中研院生醫所聽了一場 2002 年諾貝爾生理及藥學獎的得主 H. Robert Horvitz 的演講,那是另一個熱門的題目:細胞凋亡,真是一場精采的演講,同樣的我們看到這些蛋白質的另一種運作。前幾日與一位生技系的學生聊到他未來想走的方向,言談之間他似乎認為蛋白質的化學已經熱門了好一陣子了,恐怕熱潮已過。不過從現實來看,在諾大的生命體系中,我們對它的瞭解實在是太少了,由這些蛋白質的研究看來,我覺得蛋白質的化學仍應是方興未艾吧!
就這麼一擊,這些完全未預期的發現,改變了其後的研究方向:現在就可以集中力量開始鑑定那些將泛素接上蛋白質標靶的酵素系統。由於泛素普遍的存在於各種不同的組織和生物體中,大家很快的體認到,由泛素所媒介的蛋白質分解對細胞一定是很普遍而重要的。研究者更進一步的推測,那個倚賴 ATP 的能量需求,可能是為了讓細胞控制這個程序的專一性。