Shiomi et al. 2012. Point of no return in diving emperor penguins: is the timing of the decision to return limited by the number of strokes? J Exp Biol 215, 135-140. doi: 10.1242/jeb.064568.
突然,他咳嗽且呼吸困難,但嘴裡仍含著潛水用的呼吸調節器。同行的人陪他,一起遵循減壓程序:[1]每向上一段距離,就稍作停留,再繼續移動。[2]3 分鐘後,他們回到水面,男子立刻吐血。緊接著在船上,他心臟病發,失去意識,被及時施予包含心肺復甦術(cardiopulmonary resuscitation,簡稱 CPR)在內的基本救命術(basic life support),長達 5 分鐘。直到船隻靠岸,改由急救團隊接手,執行高級心臟救命術(advanced cardiac life support):除了 CPR,還做氣管插管(intubation)。期間血沫從他的口咽滲出。[1]
鼻咽、口咽和喉咽。圖/GnolizX & U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Wikimedia Commons(Public Domain)非此案的高壓氧氣艙。圖/Hyperbaric Center of Queens on Wikimedia Commons(CC BY-SA 4.0)