參與者在觀賞完所有影片後需填妥一份問卷以評估他們對野生黑猩猩狀況的認知。科學家的分析顯示完全「不支持熟悉假說」(no support for the familiarity hypothesis)。的確,觀賞完那支譁眾取寵的廣告之後的觀眾,35%以上認為個人應有權力擁有一隻黑猩猩當作寵物,相較於看過其他兩部影片的人,只有10%這麼認為。參與者被賦予機會選擇購買其中一項廣告商品,或將問卷報酬的一部分捐獻給保育慈善機構作為實驗之用,那些看過作秀黑猩猩的人們同時也最不可能捐款。
Natacha Mendes et al., ‘Preschool children and chimpanzees incur costs to watch punishment of antisocial others,’ Nature Human Behaviour, vol. 2, 2018, pp. 45-51.
Lisa Feldman Barrett, How Emotions Are Made: The Secret Life of The Brain, Macmillam, London,2017,p.73.
K.M. Carlsmith et al.., ‘The paradoxical consequences of revenge’, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, vol.95(6), pp.1,316-24.
Condon, Paul & Desteno, David. (2011). Compassion for one reduces punishment for another. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.