關於綠建築的標準,讓我們先回到 1990 年,當時英國建築研究機構(BRE)首次發布有關「建築研究發展環境評估工具(Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method,BREEAM®)」,是世界上第一個建築永續評估方法。美國則在綠建築委員會成立後,於 1998 年推出「能源與環境設計領導認證」(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, LEED)這套評估系統,加速推動了全球綠建築行動。
氣候變遷和生物多樣性適應 Changes in climate and adaptations of biodiversity
當你沒有使用冷氣機的時候,就是會發生這種事。 This is what happens, when you don’t have access to air conditioning.
當今快速氣候變遷和棲息地破壞的苦衷 Difficulties associated to the fast pace of current climate change and habitat destruction
有鑑於此,我們至少可以告訴其他物種,我們對造成干擾非常抱歉。 不然他們可能會因氣候變遷向上帝抱怨。 Given these difficulties, the least we could do is to tell other species that we are very sorry for the disturbances we are causing. Otherwise, they might complain about us to God in relation to climate change.
氣候變遷對鳥類遷徙的影響Impacts of climate change in the migration of birds
幸運的是,牠們不必支付額外的費用來更改旅行日期,否則會花很多錢。 Fortunately, they don’t have to pay additional fees to change their travel dates, otherwise they would spend quite a bit of money.
氣候變遷與葡萄牙水生動物 Climate change and the Portuguese aquatic fauna
我只是不知道隨著這些變化,葡萄牙燉魚料理會發生什麼事情。 I just don’t know what is going to happen to the Portuese fish stew with all these changes.
葡萄牙的新石器時代:捕魚為野生食物唯一重要來源 The Neolithic in Portugal and fisheries as the only significant source of wild food
捕魚不是一個初階的行動,自從有漁具、GPS和聲納,害得魚類和其他海洋動物在想:這些人怎麼這麼容易就抓住我們呢? And fishing is not exactly a rudimentary process, since there is fishing gear, GPS and sophisticated sonares the should lead fishes and other marine animals to think: But how can these humans catch us so easily?
世界漁業的永續性 The sustainability of fisheries in the World
就算一切都搞爛了,我們也不用絕望:只要祈禱魚類繁殖出現奇蹟就好了。 But if all goes wrong, we should not despair: just pray for a miracle of the multiplication of the fishes.
Pinto, B., & Riesch, H. (2017). Are audiences receptive to humour in popular science articles? An exploratory study using articles on environmental issues. Journal of Science Communication, 16(4), A01.
Subotic, S., & Mukherjee, B. (2014). Short and amusing: The relationship between title characteristics, downloads, and citations in psychology articles. Journal of information science, 40(1), 115-124.
從以下加速度/時間的圖我們可以看到,在40秒的實驗時間中,XYZ 向的加速度幅度,其中最關鍵的是 Z 向有著最大的震動程度,而 X 向則是相當穩定,近乎可以忽略。從另外一張圖(頻率與震幅)我們還能看出一個有趣的現象,就是 Z 向的震動發生在相對較低的頻率之下。
而從另一張頻率之於震幅的圖我們可以看出來一些其他事情。首先是 Y 向的晃動的頻率,跟我們預想的人類走路的晃動頻率(2赫茲)並不一樣,是落在1.7赫茲左右,而且在之後的頻率光譜中也出現了很多不同的共振情況,雖然晃動的幅度跟 Z 向的相比較弱,但這多重的共振結果就是更多造成咖啡潑濺的時機點,和 X 向晃動(和 Y 和 Z 相比,震動幅度超小)綜合起來,在杯緣形成漩渦。
簡單的說,就在這些頻率下,X、Y 向的晃動產生了不斷做渦旋運動的液體,而 Z 向的晃動讓咖啡潑了出來。