Kraus MW, Huang C, & Keltner D (2010). Tactile communication, cooperation, and performance: an ethological study of the NBA. Emotion, 10 (5), 745-9 PMID: 21038960
Kurzban, R. (2001). The social psychophysics of cooperation: Nonverbal communication in a public goods game. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 25, 241-259
Wieselquist, J., Rusbult, C., Foster, C., & Agnew, C. (1999). Commitment, pro-relationship behavior, and trust in close relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77 (5), 942-966 DOI: 10.1037//0022-3514.77.5.942
關於綠建築的標準,讓我們先回到 1990 年,當時英國建築研究機構(BRE)首次發布有關「建築研究發展環境評估工具(Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method,BREEAM®)」,是世界上第一個建築永續評估方法。美國則在綠建築委員會成立後,於 1998 年推出「能源與環境設計領導認證」(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, LEED)這套評估系統,加速推動了全球綠建築行動。
Kraus MW, Huang C, & Keltner D (2010). Tactile communication, cooperation, and performance: an ethological study of the NBA. Emotion, 10 (5), 745-9 PMID: 21038960
Kurzban, R. (2001). The social psychophysics of cooperation: Nonverbal communication in a public goods game. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 25, 241-259
Wieselquist, J., Rusbult, C., Foster, C., & Agnew, C. (1999). Commitment, pro-relationship behavior, and trust in close relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77 (5), 942-966 DOI: 10.1037//0022-3514.77.5.942
任職於史丹佛睡眠實驗室(Stanford Sleep Disorders Clinic and Research Laboratory)的Cheri Mah Mah與睡眠專家William Dement合作,他們的研究對象為11名無睡眠困擾的大學男籃球員,觀察在兩個球季間球員們睡眠時數增加對運動表現、反應時間和白日睏睡度的影響。一開始先讓球員維持平常的睡眠作息(每晚睡6到9小時)二到四周,接下來增加睡眠時間至每晚10小時並維持五到七周,期間也要求禁止攝取酒和咖啡因。結果發現:球員們在睡眠時數增加後短跑速度變快、投籃命中率提升9個百分點、疲勞程度下降,且球員們也都覺得自己在場上的表現變得更好。