加州大學柏克萊分校的心理學家Juliana Breines在Psych Your Mind部落格上整理了一系列與心理學相關的流行音樂,當然,都是美國流行音樂,不過從心理學角度分析流行文本一向是很有意思的,也很適合用在教學上,例如在準備上課前先放個影片,讓學生快速進入脈絡,或是拿來當作平時的聊天題材也不錯。推荐給各位囉:
利他主義(Altruism): Give a little love, Ziggy Marley
吸引(Attraction): What I like about you, The Romantics
歸因(Attributions): Blame it on the rain, Milli Vanilli
依戀焦慮(Attachment anxiety): Without you, Mariah Carey
依戀抗拒(Attachment avoidance): I’m like a bird, Nelly Furtado
從眾效應(Conformity): Another brick in the wall, Pink Floyd
認知失諧(Cognitive Dissonance): Not an addict, K’s Choice
滿足的延遲(Delay of gratification) (反向): Instant pleasure, Rufus Wainwright
基本歸因錯誤(Fundamental attribution error): What would you do? City High
後見之明偏誤(Hindsight bias): I never told you, Colbie Caillat
嫉妒(Jealousy): Mr. Brightside, The Killers
先天 vs. 後天 (Nature vs. Nurture): Born this way, Lady Gaga
服從(Obedience): We do what we’re told (Milgram’s 37), Peter Gabriel
樂觀(Optimism): Three little birds, Bob Marley
換位思考(Perspective-taking): What it’s like, Everlast
權力(Power): Independent women, Destiny’s Child
偏見與歧視(Prejudice and discrimination): Across the lines, Tracey Chapman
自我複雜度(Self-complexity): Bitch, Meredith Brooks
自我差距理論(Self-discrepancy theory): I wish, Skee-Lo
自尊(Self-esteem) (高): Beautiful, Christina Aguilera
自尊(Self-esteem) (低): Creep, Radiohead
自我改善(Self-improvement): Man in the mirror, Michael Jackson
焦點效應(Spotlight effect): All eyez on me, Tupac
社會交換理論(Social exchange theory): Doing too much, Paula DeAnda
社會支持(Social support): I’ll be there, Jackson 5
變動報償(Variable reward): Hot ‘n cold, Katy Perry