解決的性別與頻率的問題,還得注意甚麼呢?專門研究輔助溝通系統(Augmentative and Alternative Communication,簡稱 AAC)的專家想到了語速的問題。輔助溝通系統可以簡單理解成「溝通輔具」,是用以輔助溝通障礙者溝通的工具; 簡單如圖卡,複雜如電子溝通板,都算是其中一員。而像是電子溝通板這類,以螢幕顯示圖片,點擊後可以播放語音的輔具來說,合成語音是很關鍵的技術。
另一個被探討的,是聽障族群。聽障族群最主要的困難,就在於聆聽。聆聽合成語音如果對聽常族群來說本來就比較困難,那對聽障族群應該是更加艱困的挑戰吧!Kangas 和 Allen 的研究[11]回答了這個問題。研究者請年長聽障者聆聽自然語音與合成語音,並請他們在聆聽後寫出聽到的單字。結果可想而知,聽障者確實在聆聽合成語音的部分表現得比較差。
West, M., Rebecca K., & Chew H.E. (2019). I’d Blush if I Could: Closing Gender Divides in Digital Skills Through Education.UNESCO & EQUALS Skills Coalition.
Sutton, B., King, J., Hux, K., & Beukelman, D. (1995). Younger and older adults’ rate performance when listening to synthetic speech. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 11(3), 147-153.
Walker, V. G. (1988). Durational Characteristics of Young Adults during Speaking and Reading Tasks. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 40(1), 12–20.
Winters, S. J., & Pisoni, D. B. (2004). Perception and comprehension of synthetic speech. Research on spoken language processing report, 26, 95-138.
Mirenda, P. & Beukelman, D.R. (1987). A comparison of speech synthesis intelligibility with listeners from three age groups. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 3, 120-128.
Kangas, K.A. & Allen, G.D. (1990). Intelligibility of synthetic speech for normal-hearing and hearing impaired listeners. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 55, 751-755.