“Clouds intercept both heat from the sun and heat radiated from the
Earth. Their effects are complex and vary in time, location, and
altitude. Usually during the daytime the interception of sunlight
predominates, giving a cooling effect; however, at night the
re-radiation of heat to the Earth slows the Earth’s heat loss.”
“Some climate scientists have theorized that aircraft contrails
(also called vapor trails) are implicated in global dimming, but the
constant flow of air traffic previously meant that this could not be
近年全球對於氣候變遷的關注日益增加,各國紛紛宣布淨零排放(Net Zero Emissions)的目標,聯手應對氣候變遷所帶來的挑戰。淨零排放是指將全球人為排放的溫室氣體量和人為移除的量相抵銷後為零。而「碳捕存再利用技術(Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage,簡稱 CCUS)」技術被視為達成淨零重要的措施之一。
CCUS 示意圖。圖/INPEX CCS and CCUS Business Introduction Video 2022