猶他大學疼痛研究中心(University of Utah Pain Research Center)的研究者認為若可讓人們將注意力集中在音樂,就可降低其疼痛的感受。他們找了143位健康的受試者,每人都需經歷有音樂和無音樂情境並接受三個不同等級且皆安全的手指電擊。他們被要求在音樂情境下必須盡量投入並找出錯誤的部分。進行的同時收集受試者的生理反應,像是:瞳孔收散度、膚電反應…等,並讓他們評估自己的焦慮和專注程度以比較個體差異性。
American Pain Society (2012, January 5). Listening to music can be effective for reducing pain in high-anxiety persons. ScienceDaily. link.
Individual differences in the effects of music engagement on responses to painful stimulation. link.
史蒂芬妮.希爾思(Stephanie Shiers)是美國德州達拉斯大學的認知神經科學家,她拍攝的顯微鏡影像曾被選作多本期刊的封面,包括《神經科學雜誌》 (The Journal of Neuroscience)、《科學轉化醫學》 (Science Translational Medicine)等。要怎麼做才能讓自己拍攝的作品登上期刊封面呢?
Sadler, Katelyn E et al. “Transient receptor potential canonical 5 mediates inflammatory mechanical and spontaneous pain in mice.” Science translational medicine vol. 13,595 (2021).
Tavares-Ferreira, Diana et al. “Spatial transcriptomics of dorsal root ganglia identifies molecular signatures of human nociceptors.” Science translational medicine vol. 14,632 (2022).
Shiers, Stephanie et al. “Neuropathic Pain Creates an Enduring Prefrontal Cortex Dysfunction Corrected by the Type II Diabetic Drug Metformin But Not by Gabapentin.” The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience vol. 38,33 (2018).