論文摘要跟這篇短篇報導說的差不多:這篇研究就是要「首度證明腦容量是動物能否成功在都市中生存的重要關鍵」。可惜看不到論文全文。(We provide the first evidence for the intuitive yet untested hypothesis that relative brain size is a key factor predisposing animals to successful establishment in cities. )
我是照原文翻譯的呀,「the most successful urban bird species have bigger brains than exclusively rural species」,而且這也不表示是鳥住進城市之後腦才變大的,就像假設加入儀隊標準是身高要超過170,那你調查儀隊的身高跟非儀隊的身高,會發現有差異。但你不能下結論說「加入儀隊,會長高」,而是「和非儀隊相比,儀隊身高較高」。
By measuring the brain volumes of 82 different bird species (corrected for body size) and comparing them against each group’s ability to breed in 12 different urban centers in Europe作者表述為:研究人員測量了82種不同鳥類的腦容量,並以體型做標準化,比較每一組在歐洲12個市中心的繁殖能力。原文的意思似乎是:藉由測定歐洲12處都市中心82種不同鳥類的大腦體積,並根據每一群的繁殖能力進行比較。倘若是:比較每一組在歐洲12個市中心的繁殖能力,那研究人員不就累垮了?
問題是,在歐洲12個市中心皆有這82種(corrected for body size考慮過體型)鳥類?因為原文是: comparing them against( each group’s) ability to breed 。另一問題是,researchers have found evidence that (the most successful urban bird species) have bigger brains than exclusively rural species指的是最成功棲息於都市的鳥種,而不是多數鳥種,因為多數是most of,而the most是比較級。因而該項研究不是先在歐洲12處都市中心測定了82種鳥類,再根據牠們的繁殖力來進行大腦的比較?而確認出最成功的鳥種……..?
如您所說的,這82種鳥類當然是這樣組成的。那作者如下的表述:研究人員測量了82種不同鳥類的腦容量,(並以體型做標準化),(比較每一組在歐洲12個市中心的繁殖能力),這樣好嗎?在進行測量時,就考量到體型問題,因為附註 (corrected for body size)是在測量這部份,而後者的表述不就陷入不可能每個市中心都有這82種鳥類的問題?the most 及most of 的語法應該很清楚。
『By measuring the brain volumes of 82 different bird species (corrected for body size) and comparing them against each group’s ability to breed in 12 different urban centers in Europe, the researchers found a strong correlation between large brains and city-dwelling.』
原文所謂鳥的「成功」=鳥「對環境的適應力」=鳥在某環境的「繁殖力」。所以如果某種鳥類在某個城市的數量比較少或是沒有,代表他在該城市的適應力和繁殖力相對偏弱,他也就是比較不成功的鳥。而根據原文研究的結果『the most successful urban bird species have bigger brains(對城市適應力較高的鳥類有顆比較大的腦袋)』,應該是有個比較小的腦袋。
原文:『By measuring the brain volumes of 82 different bird species (corrected for body size) and comparing them against each group’s ability to breed in 12 different urban centers in Europe…』
1. peregrine:『藉由測定歐洲12處都市中心82種不同鳥類的大腦體積,並根據每一群的繁殖能力進行比較』
2. 逆旅:『研究人員測量了82種不同鳥類的腦容量,並以體型做標準化,比較每一組在歐洲12個市中心的繁殖能力』
Again, I still favor 逆旅’s translation which is simply the true essence of the passage. 忠於原味 o yay!
Scientists surveyed 82 species of passerine birds, including sparrows and anything that perches, in and around 12 cities in central Europe.*意思 不是更清楚表示,科學家們在歐洲中部12個城市中及周遭,調查了82種雀形目鳥類?
做個補充,逆旅提供的,Scientists surveyed 82 species of passerine birds, including sparrows and anything that perches, in and around 12 cities in central Europe.* They classified the birds as those that breed in the heart of the city or those that avoid the hustle and bustle. And then they compared the bird brains.
Scientists surveyed 82 species of passerine birds, including sparrows and anything that perches, in and around 12 cities in central Europe.* They classified the birds as those that breed in the heart of the city or those that avoid the hustle and bustle. And then they compared the bird brains.
意思就這麼簡單,於歐洲中部12個城市中及周遭,調查了82種鳥類((corrected for body size考慮過體型),因為這82種皆是屬於雀形目鳥類,分開了於城市中及周遭的鳥類,而後進行比較………。
連同本文:By measuring the brain volumes of 82 different bird species (corrected for body size) and comparing them against each group’s ability to breed in 12 different urban centers in Europe.來看,
她的學生丹尼爾.凡.貝爾倫(Daniel Van Beveren)在孔雀冠羽上裝設了機械振盪器,並且觀察冠羽的擺動。當機器的振盪頻率為二十六赫茲時──也就是一秒振盪二十六次──冠羽擺動得特別劇烈。這是會令孔雀冠羽產生共鳴的頻率,也正好是雄孔雀求偶時擺動尾羽的頻率,因此康恩對我說:「這不可能只是巧合。」