

評論 回應:全球公民平台寫作計畫登場!我們如何回應這個世界?

Short list of key points from the webinar

Funmi ・2021/03/26 ・513字 ・閱讀時間約 1 分鐘


Lockdown can’t stop B117 (UK variant). What if the vaccine doesn’t work?

AZ is dominant in the UK.

BioNTech & CureVac are not large companies. They can’t scale up their production in a short time. They rely on larger organizations, such as Novatis & Pfizer to help with production.

In the end the distribution right will belong to the productive units.

Top 10 pharmacies have regular CEO meetings since the global pandemic begins and Bill Gates foundation. Their conclusion is to collaborate, instead of competing.  is dominant in the UK.

BioNTech & CureVac are not large companies. They can’t scale up their production in a short time. They rely on larger organizations, such as Novatis & Pfizer to help with production.

In the end the distribution right will belong to the productive units.

Top 10 pharmacies have regular CEO meetings since the global pandemic begins and Bill Gates foundation. Their conclusion is to collaborate, instead of competing.

Dr. Chou:

What can  Biodesign do to help prevent another global pandemic or to stop the Covid 19 global pandemic?

What kind of bio design can help us to prevent infection, and to avoid the virus invasion?

Zero contact product & medical environment design.

Blockage is a major problem we face with covid-19.

Mild symptoms may be over-looked and cause large scale pandemic. SARS and MARS cause more severe symptoms and the lockdown measures were enforced strictly and didn’t cause large scaled pandemic.

Quick test/exam protocol in Taiwan should yet to be established.

Biomarker can help and even with cancer.

CEO Chang:

Spike Protein with connect with the human being ACE2 (cell)

How to design a “Receptor” to prevent the spike protein to connect with ACE2?

How to calculate the Vaccine Efficacy? What should we do as we have very small number of patients? [Nature] Antibody resistance of SARS-CoV-2 variants B1351 and B117

End of January 2021, new California variant emerged.

In California the virus doubling time is 18 days, in LA is 15 days.

What is P2? What can Pseudovirus neutralizing do?

Proof of uninfected vs proof of immunity are different and the latter is more meaningful to the general public like any other vaccines.

Principle Lin:

Principle Lin is the science director of the pharmacy GaoDuan. They are conducting phase 2 experiment. but phase 3 is not doable.

Half purchase half production should be the strategy.

COP “correlation of protection” Only top 10 out of the 100 and something vaccines have the opportunity to be on the market?

A UPenn medical prof is promoting COP.

Governmental support both financially and diplomatically is a must.

mRNA is more recommended. The usage is not limited to vaccine development but also many other fields.
