Live互動英語 01月號/2020 第225期
- 書名:Live互動英語 01月號/2020 第225期
- 作者:希伯崙股份有限公司
- 出版社: 希伯崙
- 出版日期:2019/12/22
Known for his many movies and cheerful personality, 51-year-old Will Smith is a Hollywood legend. While you’ve probably seen at least one of his movies, you might be surprised to find out that he actually started out as a rapper.
At 16 years old, Smith was trying to make it as a rapper under the name The Fresh Prince. After he teamed up with Jeff Townes, known as DJ Jazzy Jeff, his career took off. Unlike other rappers, Smith kept his songs free of curse words and focused on fun, storytelling raps. The pair’s second album won them the first-ever Grammy Award for Best Rap Performance. Smith went on to star in the hit show The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, which ran for six seasons.
Following his television success, Smith started playing small roles in movies. His big break came when he costarred in the cop film Bad Boys in 1995. Since then, Smith has become one of the most well-known names in Hollywood. He has acted in a huge variety of films and earned Oscar nominations for his leading roles in Ali and The Pursuit of Happyness.
十六歲時,史密斯試著用「新鮮王子」這個名字以饒舌歌手身分出道。在和傑夫.托尼斯(人稱DJ Jazzy Jeff)搭檔合作後,他的事業就飛黃騰達起來。和其他饒舌歌手不同,史密斯的歌曲不帶髒話,並且專注在好玩、說故事的饒舌歌曲上。這兩人的第二張專輯為他們贏得有史以來第一個葛萊美最佳饒舌表演獎。史密斯接著主演了熱門節目《新鮮王子妙事多》,該劇共播出了六季。
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