


Live互動英語 02月號/2021 第238期



BTS: Shining a Light during Dark Times

“Life goes on,” the band members of BTS sing on a track off of their album BE. With those words, the South Korean boy band closed the book on a difficult 2020, sending a message of hope to its fans. As the sense of doom and gloom spreads around the world like the virus from which it sprung, the message couldn’t have come at a better time.

BTS (standing for “Beyond the Scene”) is made up of members RM, J-Hope, Suga, Jimin, Jung Kook, V, and Jin. The band has received numerous music awards, been named among Time’s Most Influential People of 2019, and become the first K-pop group to ever reach number one on the US Billboard album charts.


Though the band has sung about darker themes, like the pressures of adolescence, it’s BTS’s adept blending of musical styles, top-notch live performances, and entertaining fan engagement that have helped it most in capturing the hearts of millions of fans since its debut in 2013. While the shadow of the coronavirus continues to loom, the band only wants one thing: to share some positive energy with its fans.


防彈少年團(是Beyond the Scene的縮寫,意指「超越現狀」)由RM、J-Hope、Suga、Jimin、Jung Kook、V和Jin組成。該團已獲得很多音樂獎項,被評為二○一九年《時代》雜誌:最具影響力者之一,並成為有史以來第一個在美國《告示牌》專輯排行榜奪冠的韓國流行樂樂團。






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焦點人物:伊莉莎白.戴比基:勇於接受挑戰Elizabeth Debicki: Always Up for a Challenge

大師名作選:羅密歐與茱麗葉Romeo and Juliet

原來如此:XOXO為何會指「親親抱抱」呢?The Possible Origins of XOXO


生活情境對話:海洋生物大集合Sea Creatures /參觀水族館 Visiting an Aquarium

追本溯源:淺談枕頭的歷史Sleeping Made Easy: The History of Pillows

焦點話題:報復性熬夜 revenge bedtime Procrastination /停止灌溉 suspension of irrigation

旅遊好去處:探訪歐洲祕境 立陶宛Lithuania: Europe’s Best-Kept Secret


克漏字:未來的建材 透明木材 “Invisible” Wood

動物趣聞:沼澤怪鳥 鯨頭鸛 Swamp Thing! 

日常好用句:就像動物園餵食時一樣鬧哄哄的。It’s like feeding time at the zoo.

翻譯練習Translation Practice


科技新知:給軍犬用的AR護目鏡 The Dog in the Fight: AR Goggles for Dogs

主題式對話:到眼鏡行配眼鏡 Visiting an Eyeglass Store

食物趣聞:M&M’s巧克力知多少?What Does M&M’s Stand For, Anyway?

說文解字:標點符號將要劃上休止符了嗎?Are Punctuation Marks Coming to a Full Stop?


電影快報:海豚總動員Magic Arch


全民英檢中級模擬聽力試題General English Proficiency Test

封面之星:防彈少年團 黑暗時期的一線曙光BTS: Shining a Light during Dark Times

唱歌學英語:BTS 〈Dynamite〉
