biz互動英語 12月號/2019 第192期
- 書名:biz互動英語 12月號/2019 第192期
- 作者:希伯崙股份有限公司
- 出版社: 希伯崙
- 出版日期:2019/11/26
Goldman Sachs: The Kingmaker Gets a Makeover
Even under the Trump administration’s lax regulatory regime, sell-side investment banking revenues have been sliding steadily since the Great Recession. Nearly 90 percent of profits from capital markets are now made on the buy side compared to the 50–50 split a decade ago. Capable of generating returns at lower fees, boutique asset and investment management firms like BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard have been able to wrestle trillions in clients’ assets away from the big Wall Street investment banks, including Goldman Sachs.
上班族夯話題Trendy Topics
商務應用會話:開會英語 討論專案與發展計畫 Projects and Plans in the Pipeline
多益聽力解析:多益應答問題 解題秘技TOEIC Question-Response
多益閱讀解析:多益段落填空 解題秘技TOEIC Text Completion
品牌動態:高盛 投資銀行王者大轉型Goldman Sachs: The Kingmaker Gets a Makeover
biz 鮮詞彙:豪華露營 品味與趣味雙拼Glamping in Style
商務寫作學院:年度業績報告 漂亮寫作術Annual Sales Review
財經詞彙:擔保貸款憑證Collateralized Loan Obligation (CLO)
辦公室會話:用英語變更行程A Change of Plans
職場焦點:夢幻職業大公開Fairy-Tale Jobs
職場溝通不NG:表達歉意 英語好用句Aptly Apologizing
全球新視窗:動物臉書 Wildbook: A Facebook for Wildlife
一分鐘片語:暫緩處理某事put sth on the back burner
電影快報:女孩要革命Papicha / 抓狂博物館Lost and Found / 海上鋼琴師 The Legend of 1900
多益測驗模擬試題 TOEIC Test