biz互動英語 06月號/2019 第186期
- 書名:biz互動英語 06月號/2019 第186期
- 作者:希伯崙股份有限公司
- 出版社: 希伯崙
- 出版日期:2019/05/26
Fame and Fortune of the New Internet Celebrities
Just in case you missed it, the popularity of internet personalities has exploded in recent years. They are regular folks, just like you and me, who have taken to documenting their special interests online and cultivated a following of like-minded individuals in the process. Long story short, being plugged into a loyal fanbase is what sets these creators apart. Cybercelebs on all manner of social media have gotten hold of the most valuable currency going: influence.
上班族夯話題Trendy Topics
商務應用會話:產品宣傳英語會議Promoting a Product Launch
擺脫破英文:你 hang out 了嗎?
商務寫作學院:出差報告寫作訣竅Summarizing Business Trips
多益聽力解析:多益簡短對話 解題秘技TOEIC Conversations
多益閱讀解析:多益單篇閱讀 解題秘技TOEIC Single Passages
財經詞彙:目標與關鍵成果Objectives and Key Results
世界經濟:網紅經濟大顯身手Fame and Fortune of the New Internet Celebrities
辦公室會話:用英語確認工作進度Tracking Work Progress
品牌動態:達美樂的數位披薩王國Domino’s Digital Domination of the Pizza World
人物特寫:鈴木一朗 一代傳奇球星The Record-Setting Career of Ichiro Suzuki
電影快報:人生最後一場拍賣會Claire Darling /大叔好神騎25 km/h / 別問我是誰Who You Think I Am
多益測驗模擬試題 TOEIC Test